Thursday, June 19, 2008


Its kind of interesting. This word seems to be defining so much of my life right now. For instance, our dog had to be put to sleep a month or so ago. Some would say no big deal to this, but if you had any idea the significance of this dog and what she has meant to my family, you would understand the loss. The sweet end of that story is that we got a new dog today. She is cute and dad really seems to like her which is great, but she is no Al.
Next, moving, man I love my roomie and my new apartment and everything that has come along with it, except the break-in and buglary of my car, but we won't go there. Its beautiful and i Love my new little life. Then comes the bitter end, in my move, I have let go of my family a little more. Thats kind of a good thing, but again its just a little bittersweet.
Work is pretty good, until I actually have to, then it sucks. I love the job, I just wish I had to do it a little less frequently. I love my management team, but they too have some things that make me really unhappy.
My son is amazing. I love to watch him grow and do new things,but everyday he gets closer to being a rebellious teen, then an adult. This sounds great, and i wouldn't trade it for the world, but man I miss his infant cry, and his baby cuddles. I love it when he looks at me and tells me how much he loves me out of the blue though. Its priceless. He is incredible.
There are so many pieces to this puzzle we call life, So many emotions, and usually they all drop on us at once. never just happy, or just sad, never just bitter, or just sweet, ALWAYS somewhere in between!