Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Laundry... check... dishes... check... gym.... check

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! A day of big accomplishments for us. Aiden loved the gym (although the man inside scared his tremendously). My trainer was great and taught me tons! She has a story and I love that! She's not just a cute little thing that has been that way her whole life! she's very relatable! And if you haven't figured out yet, 11 days after I signed up for the gym, I FINALLY had my first workout there! It was good!
Next on the list... last load of laundry for the week is in the wash! SCORE! And our rooms are clean! I feel on top of the world! YEAH! hope the day is going equally as welll for all of you! Back to work after four glorious days off:( wish me luck!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh the places we've gone!

As summer winds down a into my favorite season, I am looking back at all of the fun we have had over the last three months. We've been blessed with lots of family, tons of fun, and good health. In June we kicked our summer of fun off in California. Tons of fun was had there. And of course there were tea cups and a magic castle involved... and maybe a pair of mouse ears or two;)
Forth of July was a blast. Carrying on old tradition and enjoying homemade ice cream with fireworks can never be bad. In July we also got to join mom, dad, Taylor and Michael in Duck Creek, Utah for Duck Creek Days! We tons of fun there. At the end of July, we embarked on a new journey and a new place to live. Not too far from the old apartment, but lots more space to be had here. Aiden has his very own room for the first time in a couple of years! We are loving the extra space!

Seems like August came pretty dang fast! Some tearful goodbye's were said, the docs fixed dad's shoulder up (just a little maintenance work), a great friend got married to the love of her life, and I got a big promotion at work! We also signed up for the gym. (do I look thinner yet? probably not... I haven't been since we signed All in all, I am very greatful for such an amazing three months. I am stepping into fall with bright eyes and a warm heart! I can't wait to watch the leaves change colors and fall off of the trees. Hot chocolate and sweaters and a great reason to snuggle up and keep warm with the ones we love! I love the fall! (too bad we'll have to weather a couple more weeks of summer temperatures before we make it there!)
Jason and me waiting to ride Space Mountain

Lots of fun to be had on the forth of july!

Feeding the fish without any attackers trying to consume limbs this time:)

We enjoyed an amazing come-back by the 51's! Lovin life at a great game!

What three year old's room is complete without a cool Lightning McQueen race car bed? He was so cute when we put it up... He was convinced that lightning sent him the stickers himself!

The maps were a great find at Costco and have already inspired hours of converstions about where everyone lives (fictional and real).