Sunday, February 12, 2012


 One of the things I have been looking forward to on our new adventure is SNOW!  Aiden has been dreaming about it for a couple of months now.  He was even PRAYING that Phil would see his shadow on February second so he could have six more weeks of chances for the fluffy white stuff!  I cant deny it, it has been pretty dang cute to listen to him dream about snow! SOOOO, when we were driving tonight and he saw the snow starting to fall he was giggling and laughing about how much fun he was going to have when he got out of the car to play in it! Here are some fun snapshots of him running around catching them in his sweet smile!

And another just because his sweet smile makes my day!

I hope everyone back home is doing well!  We love y'all!

Copy Cat Donuts < Krispy Kremes

 So after Aiden's very first experience at a Krispy Kreme Donut store, I decided I would try and duplicate in my own kitchen... I do not remember where I got this recipe, I just google copy cat recipes and found one that made a small batch and that I had the ingredients for... They were fun to make, and delish, but NOTHING beats the real deal!  Here are some fun pictures I took of the process....

Waiting for the dough to rise

Frying them up... In Fat Free, Calorie free oil, of course

Waiting for glaze

All done...messy but yummy...

I am not so sure I will be making them again, but it was fun!

Aiden's first field trip!

So there are lots of things that make my job challenging and my schedule is certainly one of them. But, the beauty of the schedule is that, for the most part, I don't have to miss lots of the little things that mean so much to us as parents. Luckily, I have been able to go to Aiden's classroom parties and field trips. And man I am sure glad I don't miss out on moments like these.....

As you can see he was soooooo excited to stop and take a picture

They had these really awesome screens for every exhibit.  They had the animal information and lots of neat facts about each species....He was enthralled with the technology!

He LOVED the spotted rays...

And these fish were so pretty!

He told me lots of cool facts about his fish (mostly made up) like how it changes colors and shapes and could fly outside of the water.... I just enjoyed his creativity!

This Cheetah was by far his very favorite part of the day!  He LOVED it!  He was so amazed by it! I think he would have sat there watching it all day!

Another "mom do I have to take ANOTHER picture?" face =)

This was our super fun trip to the Dallas World Aquarium!  We had a blast with his class there!