Sunday, February 12, 2012


 One of the things I have been looking forward to on our new adventure is SNOW!  Aiden has been dreaming about it for a couple of months now.  He was even PRAYING that Phil would see his shadow on February second so he could have six more weeks of chances for the fluffy white stuff!  I cant deny it, it has been pretty dang cute to listen to him dream about snow! SOOOO, when we were driving tonight and he saw the snow starting to fall he was giggling and laughing about how much fun he was going to have when he got out of the car to play in it! Here are some fun snapshots of him running around catching them in his sweet smile!

And another just because his sweet smile makes my day!

I hope everyone back home is doing well!  We love y'all!

Copy Cat Donuts < Krispy Kremes

 So after Aiden's very first experience at a Krispy Kreme Donut store, I decided I would try and duplicate in my own kitchen... I do not remember where I got this recipe, I just google copy cat recipes and found one that made a small batch and that I had the ingredients for... They were fun to make, and delish, but NOTHING beats the real deal!  Here are some fun pictures I took of the process....

Waiting for the dough to rise

Frying them up... In Fat Free, Calorie free oil, of course

Waiting for glaze

All done...messy but yummy...

I am not so sure I will be making them again, but it was fun!

Aiden's first field trip!

So there are lots of things that make my job challenging and my schedule is certainly one of them. But, the beauty of the schedule is that, for the most part, I don't have to miss lots of the little things that mean so much to us as parents. Luckily, I have been able to go to Aiden's classroom parties and field trips. And man I am sure glad I don't miss out on moments like these.....

As you can see he was soooooo excited to stop and take a picture

They had these really awesome screens for every exhibit.  They had the animal information and lots of neat facts about each species....He was enthralled with the technology!

He LOVED the spotted rays...

And these fish were so pretty!

He told me lots of cool facts about his fish (mostly made up) like how it changes colors and shapes and could fly outside of the water.... I just enjoyed his creativity!

This Cheetah was by far his very favorite part of the day!  He LOVED it!  He was so amazed by it! I think he would have sat there watching it all day!

Another "mom do I have to take ANOTHER picture?" face =)

This was our super fun trip to the Dallas World Aquarium!  We had a blast with his class there! 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

DIY Place Mats

We have a glass table, so place mats are most definitely a must.  And I have been trying to find easy, creative ways to decorate our apartment without it becoming obnoxious or overwhelming.  So, the last time I was at Joann's, I picked up some fabric and ribbon and whipped up a couple of sets of place mats for Valentine's day and St. Patrick's day.  They are super simple and inexpensive.  Four cost me just about $10. I used 1 1/2 yards of fabric. I cut 8 pieces of fabric 15 inches by 18 inches.  sew 2 pieces right sides together leaving a 3-4 inch space open to turn right side out.  Turn them right side out. Iron them so they're nice and neat.  Stitch the ribbon or ric-rac on in any design you'd like (be sure you use the same color thread).  Tie a cute little bow and stitch it on, and enjoy!  I love ours.  They were very quick, very simple, they are very washable and came out so cute!
Happy crafting,

Snausage Dingers and Race Car Drivin

This weekend J conveniently had four days off while the kiddos also had four days off. Saturday they just hung out around the house.  Sunday they got up and tried to go to the movies, but Aiden smashed his finger in the door while stopping for something to eat.  He told J he thought he was going to be sick because it hurt so bad.... Meanwhile the text "Aiden smashed his finger in the car door.  He is ok, but call ASAP" just about gave me heart failure when I got it!  When I got home that night and saw his poor little bruised pointer finger, I started teasing him (after hugging him of course) calling it a sausage finger.  We're still laughing about it, mostly so WE don't cry about it.  It has slowly become lovingly named the snausage dinger.   On Monday, he seemed to be feeling better, so J them to Lewisville (about an hour away) to use a groupon I purchased a few months ago.  It was a family fun park complete with mini golf and go carts.  They had a blast.  I will include a few pictures of Aiden tearin' up the track.  All in all, I'd say it was a pretty successful weekend....But J sure was relieved when Tuesday came around and the kids went back to school.  Hope all is well with each of you!  Lots of love from Texas!
He sure was excited to be driving all by himself!

Look at that smile!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Howdy From Texas

So for most of you, you already know that we have picked up and moved to a small city on the outskirts of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. There is much opportunity for us here both professionally and personally. We moved in August and I can honestly say the last few months of my life have been a roller coaster ride. I have been trying to get to my blog to begin updating for family and friends who may be interested in our daily lives, but have not actually sat down to do it yet, so here it goes:
Since moving here Aiden has grown so much. I swear he's such a boy now. He cracks me up. He is working on reading and loves his new school (although he sure does miss his old one). On of the new challenges that I faced moving here was that for the very first time Aiden would have to attend daycare. Boy was I nervous for him and me. It takes a lot of faith to allow your child to be with anyone but you. I have had lots of struggles with that, however, he LOVES going there most days. Not only that, but somehow, by luck, I ended up picking a daycare with amazing teachers and staff that recently was voted best in the metroplex. I say by luck because it was the very first one I walked in to and knew it was perfect for him. It is set up like a home... Daycare would never be my first choice, but he seems to enjoy it.
In August, I helped open the Fort Worth location until my store was ready. We opened September 22,2011 in Arlington. The process was long and exhausting, but I sure do love the experience that I got.
The holidays were a little rough, but skype has been a major lifesaver! We talk to my parents a few times a week and occasionally I even get to see my sister and brother-in-law. Sometime around early November, I found out that I would be having a niece or nephew this summer! Boy am I excited?!?! I can't wait to see my beautiful sister and her fantastic hubby become parents! And of course to snuggle and spoil that sweet baby rotten....and teach her all of the things my sister taught my son...(think about my sweet 3-year-old singing "ridin dirty"....
So, that is life in a nutshell... I am going to make it a goal to update this thing at least once a week, so please feel free to check back for more fun tales of our adventures in the Lone star state :)

Love to all,

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hello June!

Seriously, June is just a couple of days away?! I am in complete shock as to how freaking fast life seems to be flying! We have been so stinking busy with life that it all seems to be a total blur!
I took Aiden last week to our fabulous dentist. He has a very very small cavity. I was so sad for him. Mostly because I just had a couple filled and i hated life for a couple of days!
He has been such a stink lately. He is so bossy too. He wants to tell me where and when to do everything. It is ridiculous!
Last week he and J were hanging out and he kept touching the floor fan. J told him to knock it off 2 or 3 times. Aiden turned around and said to him "stop nagging me!"! Seriously!?! This is what I am dealing with. And his new fav thing to say is "snap out of it".
Don't get me wrong, he is incredibly cute and loving, but seems like he gets more ornery everyday!
On to a more serious topic...
I have been thinking about who has shaped me a lot this last week. Who has changed me and every role that each person has played in my life. I have remembered the big moments and the small ones. i think we can learn so much from reflecting on our experiences. My grandfather has always been my hero. He passed in 2007 (he was only 63) regardless, he still affects my daily life. Who has made an impact on your life? What made their presence so different or special?
I got transferred to a new store last week (hence the pondering about influences and heroes). I need to make an impact on these associates... each in their own way. For myself, for them, and for the fabulous company that I am a part of. Was there ever a manager that made an impact on you? Who was it? And what made them stand out?