Sunday, August 31, 2008

new adventures.

Life has been so crazy lately. I have had ups and downs and everything just in the last week. There have been hard days and even harder days. I read an interesting bumper sticker on myspace a few days ago, and it's really been on my mind. "A man should have to get to know God to really find a woman's heart." I know its cheesy, but really its true. I have been so pulled to serving at central and I am so lame I haven't even filled out the paperwork. My head just isn't in the game, or it is too far in, either way, Its time for a few new adventures. Next week I will fill out the paperwork and get everything covered and done. I need to get it done. I want to serve and i know the blessings will be tremendous. Next, I have to be more serious about school. I need to go see the counsellors and get a major declared and get a game plan together. We talked about not giving up on our dreams today, and i won't give up on mine, I just need to figure out what they are. Either way, I must go. Sorry about the random ramblings, hope all is well my loves!

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